business-related FAQ

Can I have you or your company’s work product for free? Nah, man!

As you can imagine I have put thousands of hours of work into my YouTube channel. Just like you do in your work.

We should all respect each other’s labor and the time and effort it takes to make quality content.

For my most popular playlists, I have created PDF companions you can purchase for a small price. They are all hundreds of pages long. You can find more info in the top menu.

Think of PDF Companions as a donation to the channel but you get something very valuable in return!

No. However since the videos are freely available on YouTube anyone is more than welcome to place the links to the videos pretty much anywhere so long as the link takes the viewer to the original video on YouTube.

That being said, I am open to licensing arrangements on a case-by-case basis. You can contact me via my website or even better through LinkedIn.

Not at this time. While I have tutored dozens and dozens of students (maybe even hundreds) over the years one-on-one and in group settings, I currently do not offer virtual tutoring for these reasons:

  1. I am not keen on virtual tutoring since I feel that in-person teaching is more effective. I can often tell what a student is thinking just by observing body language, seeing a pencil move, a furrowed brow, etc.
  2. Oftentimes my tutoring sessions turn into demonstrations because I create visuals, heuristics, and metaphors on the fly. I turn into one of those crazy teachers or someone like Mr. Wizard. Difficult to do virtually.
  3. I would have to charge an hourly rate far beyond what most students can (or should) pay.
  4. I think in terms of the number of learners helped per unit of time. So for now, YouTube is probably the most efficient based on that equation.
  5. High-quality tutoring requires a lot of prep time before sessions. Right now, I do not have the time to fully commit to that prep work.

Yes! Reach out here and/or on LinkedIn if you would like to discuss any project where I might be of service. I can spend a few minutes reviewing a summary of the ask and then we can go from there.

I do limit myself to projects where I feel I can be of value. Therefore if my knowledge or experience is not a great fit, I will let you know to save us both time and you money.

One type of consulting I steer clear of are thesis, dissertation, or publication projects. The reason being, having been there myself, by far the best people to speak with about those are members of your committee or experts in your field. The one exception might be a thesis, dissertation, or article about education.

Yes! Under the following conditions:

  1. I have the bandwidth to do a great job for you or your company.
  2. The project does not violate any competition concerns with my current employer.
  3. The project is well-defined, the scope is bounded, and the time is not open-ended.
  4. A statement of work (SOW) is provided.
  5. All necessary communication, deliverable methods, and support requirements are in place.

Absolutely! Oddly enough, I am one of those gung-ho people who love to speak or present in front of people instead of vomiting in the flower planter by the stage or desk trashcan. Not that there is anything wrong with public speaking phobias which are very real and can be debilitating.

In addition to standing in front of students for years I also do or have:

  • Host bi-weekly YouTube Livestreams
  • Lead teams, groups, or other informal gatherings
  • Give regular work presentations
  • Over a decade of in-person classroom instruction experience
  • Spoke at my middle school honors night (yea, it started that long ago)
  • Spoke at my high school graduation
  • Spoke at my college graduation
  • Called up on stage in the moment, at our company retreat consisting of several hundred colleagues, about a new product feature

In all instances, my goal is to work with the organizer to ensure that my presence adds to the event and that my raison d’être is justified.

Note that by default I would expect such engagements to be compensated in some way however I make exceptions on a case-by-case basis for charity events, fundraisers, and supported causes.  Please do not let that be a reason not to reach out!

Not yet. But it is something I am 110% definitely considering in the future. I just need the time to give it my best effort.

Like almost everything in my life, I like to keep things simple:

  • PowerPoint
  • Camtasia Studio
  • MS Paint
  • Stats software (Excel, JMP, Minitab, R)
  • Canva
  • iZotope RX (to get the audio perfect)
  • Tubebuddy

But the most important step occurs in my brain before I ever open software.

LIFE-related FAQ

Not at this time. Following the 2020 election here in the U.S. I decided to delete all social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) other than what I needed (YouTube and LinkedIn).

One of the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life.

Spare time? Ha!

I read…a lot. On average I read one book per week across a wide range of topics. Right now I am reading a lot of books about pandemics, infectious diseases, current events, business, finance, etc.

I also often have a podcast, audiobook, or Great Courses course that I am working on when I hike or just need to give my eyes a break.

While I am a YouTube creator I am also a voracious YouTube consumer. Much of my “TV time” is watching videos on various science topics; spacetime, geology, volcanoes, etc. Additionally and grimly, I like to watch videos about natural and human disasters not for the disaster itself, but for how the problem is worked through and solved.

Finally, I enjoy working on my little house inside and outside. Getting outside and feeling the dirt run through my fingers grounds me to the Earth. It is so real.

Some of the things listed in the “spare time” section I would consider hobbies.

Aside from those, my biggest hobby is photography. Taking photos is something I have done for over 25 years. At times I have done it part-time as a profession. Hopefully, at some point, I will have a section on this site relating to some of my photography so I can share that passion with the world. Some of the most incredible moments of my life have happened in the context of taking photos.

I would like to get into videography more since many of the skills in photography carry over to video.

But by far my biggest hobby is just learning new things. Not a big shocker!

World of Warcraft (off and on)

BattleTag: Karland#1848

Server: US – Stormrage.

Main: Nitengaale – Holy Priest

Alt: Karlend – Protection Paladin

My favorite movie of all time is Heat (1995). I am a huge fan of Christopher Nolan movies; Insomnia (2002), The Dark Knight Rises (2012), The Dark Knight (2008), Memento (2000), Inception (2010), and Interstellar (2014). And of course, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings!

Television shows I like to watch follow the same theme: Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, The Witcher, Wheel of Time, etc. Ozark was great. For laughs, I love (old) Top Gear and The Grand Tour and any derivative show with Jeremy, James, and/or Richard.

My favorite bands are AD/DC, Metallica, Slayer, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Lamb of God. But also love listening to blues, jazz, and classical (especially Dmitry Shostakovich, Symphony #10, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir George Solti, Charlie Vernon – Bass Trombone. The only and the best.).

I am fortunate to have two amazing now-retired parents who have been together for almost 50 years and one younger brother who is also one of my best friends.

We do not all agree politically or ideologically (I am the liberal black sheep), but we all try to get along.

I also have a few friends and colleagues I consider family.

No question: travel. I have only been outside the U.S. twice to Canada (Montreal and Vancouver) but never overseas except for Puerto Rico, which is a U.S. territory and does not require a passport.

There is so much of the world I want to see and experience while I am still relatively young and can get around. Time is ticking.